You may know that all roads lead to Rome, but are you a person who knows that every (or rather, every second) Wikipedia link leads to ? Or that Bill Clinton’s father, , was married five different times to five different women — two of them sisters? Or that are named after a town in Massachusetts, not the famous physicist? (Okay, that was an easy one.) More importantly, are you a person that wants to know these things (and other random tidbits)?

If so, this is the place for you.

Sonia is a self-professed Wikipedia addict intent on sharing obscure facts with everyone she knows. If you can’t find her with her nose in a book, watching a ’90s sitcom or Cut for Time Saturday Night Live sketch, or brewing up a good cup of Darjeeling tea, she’s probably down a research rabbit hole in the bowels of the Internet. In addition to her nerdy hobbies, she leads a nerdy professional life: she’s currently a research fellow studying workplace gender bias.

Encyclopedia Sonia started as a way for Sonia to share her random-fact-obsession without texting her friends and family, “did you know [obscure topic here]?” every five minutes. For their sake, let’s hope it continues.

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Probably somewhere reading a book, browsing a Wikipedia page, or brewing a cup of tea. Columbia University ’21. | she/her |📍 San Francisco, CA